It’s certainly natural to feel hesitant, maybe even scared, of change. Especially when you have been doing things the same ol’ way for years.
A recurring objection I hear as to why teams won’t adopt technology into their processes is because someone (and sometimes everyone) doesn’t want to change their process. “It’s been working well for this long- why should we change?”
Change is scary, but so is staying the same.
Change is inevitable, whether you are proactive about it, or choose to let it happen to you. The problem comes when you choose to let it happen and the change is degressive. Companies that don’t stay on top of their bottlenecks face increasingly imperative consequences. While their competitors are able to get more done in less time, they are stuck doing things manually like they always have.
Some pitfalls of not adapting include harming:
Client quantity & quality
Hiring limitations
Productivity & Efficiency
Precision & Quality
Okay, so you want to change, but there’s still some push back from the other members of your team. Here are some things to consider when discussing the benefits of adopting digital solutions.
Clients: If you’re able to get things done faster, and with greater accuracy- you are going to make a positive impression on your clients. Your company will be able to turn things around faster than your competitors, giving you a leg up. This also leaves more time to focus on other aspects of your business that need attention.
Training: Teaching a complex manual process, or using that 1998 Microsoft program you’ve always used, is going to cause training difficulties. By adopting software solutions that simplify processes it will be easier to train your newbies.
Productivity & Efficiency: Get things done faster with less resources!
Precision & Quality: AND get things done better… Speed doesn’t matter if your data is incorrect. Reduce opportunities for human error (e.g. inability to decipher poor handwriting) and create opportunities for automation and quality control.
Profitability: All of these things will add up and help your bottom line. Of course, technology is certainly an investment. But just like any good investment, you pay more now to reap the benefits in the long-run.
So how do you get started? Choosing the right company and crafting the right solution is a good start. Some tips for success:
Make a list of priorities, considering what will have the greatest impact on the business.
Define your process. If you don’t know what that is, think about each step that occurs from marketing to client interaction to the sale/service. What is each step and who is involved?
Do some research: Does the technology we need already exist? If not, who is a trustworthy company we can partner with to build something that works for us? (Hint: A cool team in lil’ Fresno, CA does this!)
If this all sounds great, but you still need some guidance- you can call Cultivated Technology Group: (559) 385–7714, or shoot us an email at
We’d love to help talk through the digital transformation process and support your team in that transition.